Building the warehouse brain
Arvist augments and enhances human operations to help companies reduce cost, drive up efficiencies in a data secure and ethical manner.

Our Team
Our Advisory Board

Werner Stapela
Co-Founder and Senior Advisor

Alan Amling
Supply Chain Advisor

Vineet Khanna
Supply Chain Advisor

Andy Lozano
Go-To-Market and
Technology Advisor

Sandy Vosk
Business Development Advisor
Our Investors

Our Partners

Our Values
We assess our values and principles, both as a team as well as individuals. These guide our actions and decisions. Thinking about our core values before taking actions ensures that the actions we take will be right for our company, customers, investors and team.

Our Values
We have faith in ourselves and our abilities. We trust the process. We belief in our mission, in our colleagues and well-wishers, in recognizing our strengths and acknowledging our weaknesses. Believing in the process involves understanding that success is not always immediate. It requires patience, perseverance and resilience.

Our Values
With a strong foundation in place, we can dream. Dream of leaving a better place than what we arrived at. Going beyond just dreaming and setting goals, identifying what we want to achieve and how we plan to achieve it. When a bunch of people come together of making the world a better place, that dream often comes true.

Our Values
We are courageous to take risks, step outside of our comfort zone and make our dreams a reality. Remembering that taking risks involves making decisions that may have uncertain outcomes and having the courage to face potential failure and the resilience to recover and try again. And again. Till we succeed.